Welcome 2009 E-NET Interns

How the E-Net Internship Experience Works

The E-Net Internship Experience is an internship program that helps you not only find a paid internship gaining experience, but also provides you access to an internship mentor. Your internship mentor will help you land an internship for the summer, develop a portfolio, network with peers and other employers, and help you get the most out of your internship experience.

To take advantage of this opportunity, send your resume to Kerri Brown at kbrown@chautauquaworks.com. If you have any questions, please e-mail Kerri at the address above or call 716-487-5175.

You can also use this blog to search for internship opportunities in Chautauqua County. Search the postings to find an internship that matches your interest. Each posting lists the employer, internship description, and how to apply for that internship. Check back often as internships will continue to be added. You can also sign up to receive e-mail updates or use the feeder feature.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Advertising Advantage Marketing Internship

Employer: Advertising Advantage

Internship Description:

AA needs marketing assistance from one or two interns. Must be an upcoming Junior or Senior. The internship is 10 hours per week. May be paid depending on level of skills and experience.

Projects include:
1) Updated website
-Coordinate with Lakeview Computer
-Write new copy

2) Updated marketing/media kit
-Based on completed website
-Update spec sheets on specific products

3) Coordinate marketing events (i.e. golf tournaments, etc.)
-Decide on which events to attend and who should be there
Attend some events

4) Create a 60 second video

5) Coordinate handing out tickets, etc to clients.
-Maintain trade inventory
-Coordinate which clients and prospective clients will receive comp items

6) Employee Satisfaction
-Create employee satisfaction events and reward suggestions
-Hand out comps to employees and track inventory

To apply: Send cover letter and resume to Kerri Brown at

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Radio Broadcast Internship w/ KISS FM

Employer: KISS FM

Unpaid Internship, approximately 20 hours a week, hours negotiable. Looking for an intern with previous radio experience. The internship is mostly behind the scenes and would include radio board operation for remote broadcasts, ripping weekend syndication shows into system, as well as providing basic office assistance.

To apply: Send cover letter and resume to Kerri Brown at